Patient Motivation
Patients' perceived advantages, perceived disadvantages, and initial mindsets.
Other Patient Determinants
PERCEPTION (perceived advantages and disadvantages)
Perceived sense of security, independence, empowerment, convenience and access to care, and less sense of vulnerability
Prepared for emergencies or hospital visits
Intact social networks
A suitable goal setting
Perceived no benefits
Perceived threats to security, privacy, independence, or an individual’s sense of identity
Worried digital health would replace traditional appropriate (face-to-face) health care services
Impede social life or interfere with patient-to-provider relationships
Cause additional burden (being bombarded with too many messages)
Prefer digital solutions
Strong desire to keep healthy or gain knowledge
Computer anxiety
Loss of interest
Lack of motivation
Patient preferences, expectations, desires, priorities, understanding, or beliefs
Trust in technology
How to address……
Understand patients’ mindsets and their perceived advantages and disadvantages of using digital health;
Inform them of the benefits of using digital health;
Reduce their concerns and worries;
Understand their expectations and needs;
Tailor the design to their preferences.